I got a fancy new (well… refurbished) ergonomic keyboard! It’s the Kinesis Advantage 2 QD.
I was also considering the Maltron or the yet-to-be-released keyboard.io, but eventually decided to go with the Kinesis after reading many positive reviews. The reviews over at xahlee.info were particularly useful.

I’ve only used it for a day, but so far I’ve been enjoying it. I’ve been remapping keys around though; some key combinations like Alt-Tab are almost impossible to press with the defaults. Xah Lee also has some tips about optimal key remapping, I’ll be trying some of his ideas out.
nice view, and thanks for linking me!
Thanks for visiting! I really enjoy your blog, it’s been very helpful.
could i use 2 of your photos on my blog?
with link back of course.
Of course!